Easy editor Enable or Destroy easyeditor

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Molestias ex nihil dolores numquam velit maxime consequuntur eius quaerat adipisci quibusdam voluptatem, quia laborum aperiam nisi inventore quae debitis cumque quos.

You can change the entire look and feel, can able to add button / event / can do anything with it. Read documentation here or more example here


<div id="editor" placeholder="Type here ... "></div>


<link rel="stylesheet" href="path_to/easyeditor.css">


jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
    var editorInstance = null;

    $('.fly-show-hide-editor').click(function() {
        var editor = $(this).data('editor');
        var behavior = $(this).data('behavior');

        if(behavior === 'show') {
            editorInstance = new EasyEditor(editor);
        else if(behavior === 'hide') {
            if(editorInstance instanceof EasyEditor === true) {
                editorInstance = null;

Feature requested by Phil Wamala