Easy editor Overwrite default button settings

You can change the entire look and feel, can able to add button / event / can do anything with it. Read documentation here or more example here


<div id="editor" placeholder="Type here ... "></div>


<link rel="stylesheet" href="path_to/easyeditor.css">


<script src="path_to/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="path_to/jquery.easyeditor.js"></script>

    var easyEditor = new EasyEditor('#editor', {
        buttons: ['bold', 'italic', 'link', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'alignleft', 'aligncenter', 'alignright'],
        overwriteButtonSettings: {
            'bold' : {
                buttonIdentifier: 'overwritten-bold',
                buttonHtml: 'Overwritten Bold',
                buttonTitle: 'Make text bold',
                clickHandler: function(){
                    easyEditor.wrapSelectionWithNodeName({ nodeName: 'b', keepHtml: true });
            'italic': {
                buttonHtml: 'Overwritten Italic',
                buttonTitle: 'Make text italic',