Some useful css classes and sass mixins ships with roolith css out of the box.
Utility class name | What it does |
.full-width |
Make element's width 100% |
.text-center |
Align text / element center |
.text-right |
Align text / element to right |
.text-left |
Align text / element to left |
.float-left |
Float left an element |
.float-right |
Float right an element |
.show-small-only |
Show element for only small viewport |
.hide-small-only |
Hide element for only small viewport |
.show-medium-only |
Show element for only medium viewport |
.show-medium-up |
Show element from medium viewport |
.hide-medium-only |
Hide element for only medium viewport |
.hide-medium-up |
Hide element from medium viewport |
.show-large-up |
Show element from large viewport |
.hide-large-only |
Hide element for large viewport |
.show-xlarge-only |
Show element for only xlarge viewport |
.show-xlarge-up |
Show element from xlarge viewport |
.hide-xlarge-only |
Hide element for only xlarge viewport |
.show-xxlarge-only |
Show element for only xxlarge viewport |
.show-xxlarge-up |
Show element from xxlarge viewport |
.hide-xxlarge-up |
Hide element from xxlarge viewport |
Utility name | What it does |
rem(14) |
PX to rem. Example usage - font-size: rem(14); |
@include abs-pos(rem(10), rem(10)); |
Position absolute an element $top: auto, $right: auto, $bottom: auto, $left: auto |
@include border-radius(rem(10)); |
Add border radius to an element |
@include border-top-radius(rem(10)); |
Add border top radius to an element |
@include border-right-radius(rem(10)); |
Add border right radius to an element |
@include border-bottom-radius(rem(10)); |
Add border bottom radius to an element |
@include border-left-radius(rem(10)); |
Add border left radius to an element |
@include breakpoint(breakpointName) { } |
Add style for small, medium, large, xlarge, xxlarge breakpoint |
@include clearfix(); |
Clear an element |
@include image-2x($image, $width, $height); |
For retina image image-2x($image, $width, $height) |
@include opacity(0.5); |
Used for increase or decrease element's opacity |
@include text-truncate(); |
Truncate text of a element |
@include transition('background, color'); |
Apply transition to element |
@include triangle(down, rem(5)); |
Add triangle to element |
@include nice-scroll($trackColor: #f1f1f1, $scrollbarColor: #dddddd); |
It removes webkit default scroll bar and add custom scroll bar style |
roolith css has css animation class which you may wanna use. Element need to have animation
class in order to animate. And transition classes are fadeInUp
, fadeIn
, fadeOut
, fadeInLeft
and fadeInRight
<div class="animation fadeInUp"></div>
If you are using SASS
@extend .animation, .fadeInUp;