
roolith css has four different table layouts with fixed and fluid size. Take a look an example below -

Table default
Name Rank Sex Class
Thor 4 star Male Cosmic
Jane foster 5 star Female Mystic
Crossbone 4 star Male Skill
Black panther (civil war) 6 star Male Skill
<table class="table full-width">
        <td>4 star</td>
        <td>Jane foster</td>
        <td>5 star</td>
        <td>4 star</td>
        <td>Black panther (civil war)</td>
        <td>6 star</td>
Table bordered
Name Rank Sex Class
Thor 4 star Male Cosmic
Jane foster 5 star Female Mystic
Crossbone 4 star Male Skill
Black panther (civil war) 6 star Male Skill
<table class="table table-bordered"></table>
Table primary
Name Rank Sex Class
Thor 4 star Male Cosmic
Jane foster 5 star Female Mystic
Crossbone 4 star Male Skill
Black panther (civil war) 6 star Male Skill
<table class="table table-primary"></table>
Table striped
Name Rank Sex Class
Thor 4 star Male Cosmic
Jane foster 5 star Female Mystic
Crossbone 4 star Male Skill
Black panther (civil war) 6 star Male Skill
<table class="table table-striped"></table>

Sometimes table content doesn't fit in small container or for mobile devices. User .table-responsive class name as wrapper of table.

<div class="table-responsive">
    <table class="table"></table>

Reference from _table.scss

$table-header-border-color: lighten(map-get($colors, dark), 75%);
$table-border-color: lighten(map-get($colors, dark), 80%);
$table-header-font-weight: $global-font-bold-weight;
$table-spacing: rem(10);
$table-row-hover-color: lighten(map-get($colors, dark), 85%);
$table-primary-header-color: lighten(map-get($colors, dark), 82%);
$table-row-striped-color: lighten(map-get($colors, dark), 85%);
$table-row-striped-hover-color: lighten(map-get($colors, info), 43%);